How do you ensure that over 600 participants will be able to efficiently park, locate, and have easy access to 106 college admission representatives over a three-hour period? You think “outside the box” and creatively use your venue’s space to make it happen.
This month, we’re highlighting how The Conference Center at GTCC was able to arrange multiple spaces to create an efficient flow of traffic for the Carolinas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (CACRAO) Guilford County College Fair.
This event brought in 106 college admission representatives who each needed their own table to display materials and have adequate room to talk with prospective students. Since there were many colleges and universities in attendance, The Conference Center staff opened the pre-function, lobby, classrooms, and larger BB&T Oak Ridge rooms to make this happen. Labels were placed on the tables in alphabetical order so that participants could more easily find their school of choice.
Students had to register for this event using a QR code that made their information available to the admission representatives. To ensure that all students who arrived at the event were properly registered, stanchions were used to direct them to the registration area.

A WiFi connection for guests was also available. Directional signage was displayed throughout the venue. Campus police officers were stationed in the parking lots to greet and help participants as they arrived.
Each of the spaces in The Conference Center was arranged to allow for a maximum number of tables. Retractable walls in the Pre-Function, BB&T Oak Ridge Room, and Clasroom 130-131 areas were removed to expand the available space and allow for easier flow of guests between the areas. The Front Circle Lobby area offered a nice, open setting as well.
We are pleased that CACRAO chose The Conference Center at GTCC, and we can’t wait for next year’s event. If you are looking for a venue that is able to offer a variety of space arrangements for hosting events of this type, please reach out to us to discuss your options.